Tuesday 29 October 2013

Create Folder dan menggunakan no. kad pengenalan sebagai Nama Folder

1. Create folder dan menggunakan no kad pengenalan sebagai nama folder. 
2. Data  akan disimpan merujuk kepada nombor kad pengenalan yang telah terbina (Folder).


    <td colspan="5">Following document as supporting documentation of this application.</td>
    <td colspan="3">Certified True Copy of Business Registration Certificate 
      <?php if  ($row_data['DirBusinessRegCert'] == '' ) 
{ echo '1. Business Registration Certificate' ; }
else {
      <a href="../CLFiles/<?php echo $row_data['IC_No']."/"; ?><?php echo $row_data['DirBusinessRegCert']; ?>">1. Business Registration Certificate</a>
      <?php }?></td>
    <td colspan="3">Certified True Copy of Certification by Employer
      <?php if  ($row_data['DirEmployerCert'] == '' ) 
{ echo '2. Employer Certificate'; }
else {
      <a href="../CLFiles/<?php echo $row_data['IC_No']."/"; ?><?php echo $row_data['DirEmployerCert']; ?>">2. Employer Certificate</a>
      <?php }?></td>


public function new_form16($IC_No,$Year_Exp, $CD_Action, $DT_Applied, $DirBusinessRegCert, $DirEmployerCert)

$Dt_Created = date('Y-m-d H:i:s');
$log_id = $_SESSION['log_id'];
$DT_Applied = date('Y-m-d H:i:s');
$year_app= date('Y');

$result = mysql_query("SELECT RUNNING_NO FROM Cnt_AppNo WHERE `Year` = '$year_app' AND IC_No = '$IC_No' ORDER BY RUNNING_NO DESC");
$row_appno = mysql_fetch_array($result);
$totalrow_appno = mysql_num_rows($result);

if ($totalrow_appno==0 )
mysql_query("INSERT INTO Cnt_AppNo(RUNNING_NO, `Year`, IC_No) values ('1', '$year_app', '$IC_No')");
mysql_query("UPDATE Cnt_AppNo SET RUNNING_NO = RUNNING_NO + 1 WHERE `Year` = '$year_app' AND IC_No = '$IC_No'");

$result = mysql_query("SELECT RUNNING_NO FROM Cnt_AppNo WHERE `Year` = '$year_app' AND IC_No = '$IC_No' ORDER BY RUNNING_NO DESC");
$row_app_no = mysql_fetch_array($result);

$count = sprintf('%02d',$row_app_no['RUNNING_NO']);
$string = $year_app;
$year1  = "$string[0]$string[1]";
$year = "$string[2]$string[3]";

$app_no = $IC_No.$year.$count;

 $result = mysql_query("INSERT INTO TR_RegistrationCL (ApplicationNo,IC_No, Year_Exp, CD_Action, Status, Result, DT_Applied, ID_Created, DT_Created) values ('$app_no', '$IC_No', '$Year_Exp', '1', 'B16', '-', '$DT_Applied', '$log_id','$Dt_Created')") or die(mysql_error());

$name = $DirBusinessRegCert['name'];
$size = $DirBusinessRegCert['size'];
$name1 = $DirEmployerCert['name'];
$size1 = $DirEmployerCert['size'];

if (($DirBusinessRegCert['name'] != '') && ($DirEmployerCert['name'] != '')){
mkdir("../CLFiles/".$IC_No, 0777); // cara create folder nama ( folder name = CLFiles)

$path = "../CLFiles/".$IC_No."/";
$valid_formats = array("docx", "doc", "pdf"); // format yang dibenarkan untuk upload data

list($txt, $ext) = explode(".", $name);
list($txt1, $ext1) = explode(".", $name1);
if((in_array($ext,$valid_formats) && $size<(500*500)) || (in_array($ext1,$valid_formats) && $size1<(500*500)))
$actual_image_name = $txt.".".$ext;
$tmp = $DirBusinessRegCert['tmp_name'];
$actual_image_name1 = $txt1.".".$ext1;
$tmp1 = $DirEmployerCert['tmp_name'];

move_uploaded_file($tmp, $path.$actual_image_name);
move_uploaded_file($tmp1, $path.$actual_image_name1);

$file_location = $path.$actual_image_name;
$file_location1 = $path.$actual_image_name1;

$result = mysql_query("UPDATE TR_RegistrationCL SET DirBusinessRegCert = '$actual_image_name', DirEmployerCert = '$actual_image_name1' WHERE ApplicationNo = '$app_no'");
return $result;

Posted by : Mariatulkibtiah


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